Open the drawer manually.
Opens a window where an item’s bar code or ID can be entered or scanned to view its price.
This operation is located under button Main and is called Daily Journal in the Demo Data. This displays a list of transactions performed on the POS. Each transaction can be viewed in detail, reprinted and returned.
To turn on training mode you should be in the log-in screen, select Training and Activate training. To stop using training mode select De-activate training.
While in training mode:
Displays a pop-up window with a pre-set alternative unit of measure. This is set in the Site Manager. If there are no alternatives, an error appears.
Income accounts are used to register direct income at the POS terminals; that is, payment of certain bills by customers. You need to select an appropriate account and amount for the deposit. After that, an item line is created to represent the deposit. You then need to finish the transaction, for example by choosing to pay with cash if the deposit was in cash.
Expense accounts are used to register direct expenses at the POS terminal; that is, payments of goods or service for the store, such as window-cleaning. You need to select an appropriate account and amount for the withdrawal. Then you will see an item line representing the withdrawal. Finish the transaction, for example by paying in cash if the withdrawal was made in cash.